Everybody joins this business for a totally different reason. Some to make a little supplementary income, some to make a part or full time income and some to totally change their lives! We have ladies in the business who have become millionaires and retired their partners. Yes that doesn’t happen over night but they have seen the vision and taken the action. No one will ever say that it’s easy but I know they will all say that it’s totally worth it!
The Empowerment Hub are proud to be apart
of Claire’s global team. Claire is Amy’s direct sponsor and Becky’s upline. Since joining the business 8 years ago Claire has earned over $2,000,000 in commission.
Amber has become a mascara multi millionaire within our company. It’s clear to see how the business has changed hers and her families lives.
Whitney wasn’t one of the first to join this company but she is now our highest paid presenter and multi millionaire.