When you join the first thing you want to do (before you even announce your curiosity post on Facebook which is explained in STEP TWO) is to start sending this message to your hot market. Your hot market are your closest friends and family. We suggest sending this message to 20-30 of your closest female friends and family.
Hi ((NAME)) How are you?! A slightly random message but I have done something really exciting and scary at the same time! I have just started my own cosmetics business!!! I am looking for some ladies to test out our collagen by grabbing a pack and giving it a try? If for any reason you don’t LOVE it I’ll give you a FULL refund! I’d just really value your honest opinion about the product. How would you feel about trying it out? Would I be able to pop you down for a box? If not, its no worries at all of course!!!!♥️😘xxx
Please remember you will receive Yes’s, No’s and some ladies may not even reply but what you’re doing is planting a seed and starting to create that excitement.
So now you have sent those messages this is going to help you to start collecting your first orders which will help you qualify White Status.
Do you have friends and family that you would like to work alongside? These are great example messages to offer the opportunity with. There is never a better time to start sharing this business than right as the start of your journey so you can learn and share in the excitement together. Below are some example messages to use. They can also be found in Boards.
Hi ((NAME)), how are you?? I’ve just joined something new which has an incredible charity. It supports women on their healing journey and regaining hope after being effected by childhood sexual abuse, by sharing the love for high end cosmetics and skincare. 10% of all profits go directly to Saprea. Would you be open to see how you can make a difference too? xx
Hi ((NAME)), how are you?? I am super excited and couldn’t wait to share this with you. I have decided that this is my time for new beginnings and would love to share this journey with you. I would love your honest feedback on everything that’s new with this business. Do you have 10 minutes to take a look at the business overview? xxx
Hi ((NAME)), how are you?? I have some super exciting news! I have just joined a brand new opportunity. My new business is home to the worlds best Collagen. It’s a potentially life changing opportunity and has the most incredible earning potential. I really respect your opinion, if I sent you a short overview video of what I’m doing would you tell me what you think? Would love for us to share this together? xxx
Hi ((NAME)), how are you?? I need to tell you that I am beyond excited to be joining a supportive sisterhood where I am going to be able to work with my friends. It’s a brilliant way for us to link arms and make new connections together. There is endless earning possibilities around connecting with friends and supporting each other. Shall I send you a short video that explains more?xx
When they reply and would like some more information there is no need to panic! Simply send them our opportunity video:
From there if they are still interested in joining invite them into The Empowerment Haven team group with a welcome post. If they have questions that you’re unsure about plug them into a three way chat with your sponsor or Elite Upline who will help.
Please go to set TWO on how to write you curiosity post...